Friday 19 April 2013

Thinking About Immigration to Canada..??

Professionals around the world have a burning desire in them to be part of a society where their hard work and professional outlook gets appreciated and they get rewarded monetarily and in other ways in ample measure. Canada is the answer and the hope for all such wonderful men. Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world but it still has a wide scope for more development. It needs enterprising men and women from around the world to bolster its ranks. 

Canadian government has meticulously planned and researched on this issue and has encouraged immigration. Huge land mass of Canada and its relatively less population is also a reason for promoting this. Canadian government through its network of administrators, advisers, educationists, planners and others have worked closely in cooperation to let in such people in to this great country. The people who can immigrate to Canada have to follow such norms and accept willingly the official policy. The people who can immigrate can be broadly divided into categories like students, businessmen, technologists and others. 

Before initiating the process for applying for a Canadian Visa, one need to consult experts, law and immigration firms and others so that one gets benefited by their advice. Immigration to Canada is subjected to scrutiny and checks at various points as to ensure the candidate is proceeding legally and is fairly assessed. Only genuine people make it and fraudsters and tricksters fail in the process.

The sessions you have to be part of in a Canadian Embassy can be grilling and objective, but one need not be unduly concerned at this. This is quite natural of the people at the helm of affairs to be intrusive and objective in their assessment and you can be put across some uncomfortable questions. This is not to intimidate or discourage you, but they have a task at hand and they have to perform their duty. There are some reputed law firms who are there to guide you in fulfillment of your dream. 

Canada PR is granted to individuals subject to some conditions like number of years of stay, familiarity with Canadian languages; English and French, their integration into Canadian society and their conduct. Canada Immigration is made popular by the visits of Canadian leaders to various countries in the world where they emphasize on the issue of immigration. They visit places, organize functions, hold symposiums, press conferences so as to fuel public interest on immigration. 

Lot of people who want to visit and stay in Canada tend to get unsettled by knowing the high rate of Canada Visa Rejection. No need to worry. You need to know the causes which led to visa rejection. The experts can give you the fair idea and this will help you to move ahead purposefully and methodically. There have been some categories where people have been blacklisted and Canada Visa Refusal has been invoked on them. Many people who have an unlawful past are likely to face this scenario. The screening mechanism put in place by authorities is rigorous and it is nearly foolproof.

Monday 15 April 2013

Real Estate - Luxury and Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Real Estate business is indeed a money spinner. The astronomical amounts of money involved in buying and selling of houses, properties, offices and other buildings can be a boom as well as a liability for the players involved. An owner who has invested crores of rupees in a buying a commercial property would have to regret on selling the same at a lesser price. There is no other way out. Being part of property business is not a cakewalk and you have to be on your toes as you have to meet the prospective clients, listen to them carefully as well as negate their demands, put up what you want and then there are endless series of negotiations where things might hot up. But in spite of all this, there is a huge relief and joy when you are able to make to strike it rich. This cannot be done in just any other profession or through every other business.

Luxury Real estate is the stream where buyers are looking for prime locations and ready to throw as much money to strike a deal. The location has to be searched for, the clients have to be impressed and have to be tempted with huge offers so that they give in and part with the property without any opposition. Hotels, malls, mansions, villas and houses of celebrities fall in this category. Commercial Real Estate emphasizes on commercial aspect of Real State Business. An owner who is dreaming of millions in an upcoming deal might be dreaming only and not living in real world. Just because a building is looking opulent and ideally located does not guarantee it sale-ability. A person who will buy the same has to think from professional angle that when he opens a business or office, would it be financial feasible at all. If not, then he would be simply dismissing the idea. Practicality does matter a lot. How to win over a client is not determined by the property alone, it also depends on your persuasive skills, mental makeup of people involved and how they are being advised by the advisers. How much you are able to offer discount or how much you can jack up price. These decisions can be taken after calculative parleys and thinking and not in rush of blood.  
Real Estate Brokerage is done by experts or specialists who have the skills and experience and are able to gel well with any type of prospective buyer and seller. They have spent years studying the market and are on good terms with influential people. They are also good at judging people, a rare but important quality in business as you do not have any prior record of a person with whom you are going to strike a bargain. You have to believe on face value. This comes through experience and intuition. Some deals may go awry. Some may turn out to be a good fortune. It can go either way. Too much scrutiny and you are a loser. Some can cheat by their charm and falsehood. Houses are needed by everyone according to one’s needs, tastes and one’s pocket. A person who can barely survive needs a different type of house. A salaried person is on lookout for a different housing where an affluent person goes for comfort and grandeur. Money is not a matter for him. 

House Hunting was a tedious affair earlier when there was no internet and other help lines. Nowadays you can post free ads about your housing needs and there are  professionals, associations, websites who are there to help and assist you. All you need is to contact them at the earliest.